Thursday, March 27, 2008

Okay....Let Me Try This Again!


Well, I am relatively new at this "blogging" thing so bear with me! Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Jessica Renee Barnes, and I am a sophomore communications major at "good ole'" Coker College in Hartsville, South Carolina. For those Hartsville outsiders who happen to come across this blog, Hartsville is about twenty or thirty minutes away from Florence, South Carolina. I am a native of Moncks Corner, South Carolina and for those of you are not aware of its location (once again), it is located about twenty minutes from Charleston, South Carolina. I'm only providing a little more specific detail of where I reside because I have been ask continuously "Where is Moncks Corner?" or "Where is Hartsville?" Just to clear things up, I am providing that information because some people will not take the time to look up these cities on a map!

Enough of that, here is some more "boring, but necessary" back round information about me. First of all, I am a Muslim who practices the Islamic faith (well, duh). That's why if you ever meet me in person or have met me in person and saw the scarf that is styled on the top of my head, you would probably think I am trying to make a fashion statement. Well, I'm not. I'm at a point of my life where I still want to practice the Islamic faith, but I necessarily do not follow many of the practices that should be by most traditional Muslim women (such as wearing full length clothing or a full hijab). A hijab a what is considered to be the scarf on my head. Technically I am wearing a scarf almost all the time, but when I have a full scarf on that covers my entire head and shows only my face, that is considered to be a hijab. I guess you could say that I am like a "contemporary muslim", if there is ever such a thing.

Other than my Islamic faith, I tend to be a very unique individual (which everyone claims to be these days) but I am also considered by most of my peers to be just like everyone else. I guess that is what this Western culture will do to you. My hobbies tend to be singing in the shower, movie-watching, volunteering at the Hartsville Mission Soup Kitchen, shooting film and editing it, hanging with my friends, hanging with my friends, hanging with my friends again, and engaging in very in-depth and philosophical conversations with random people.

I aspire to work in the field of communications after I receive my degree. I would like to pursue a career in being a producer in a news room, but of course I will have to start of with a entry-level position whenever I begin my career. I recently discovered a passion for making miniature music videos, so a little dream I have at the moment is to be a music video director. It's just a dream. I guess I will have to wait and see if I can "make the cut" when it comes to being an extreme professional in that particular career. I'm going to aim for the moon, so if I miss, I'll land on a cloud! I also am having minor thoughts about becoming a high school guidance counselor for some odd reason!

I believe I have completely just wrote about a bunch of "nothingness", which is fine because writing blogs seem to be like therapy at the moment and a gateway to get a lot off my mind. I'm not saying I'm crazy or anything, because I'm not! But, I am going to just go ahead and finish this up because school work calls!

This is Jessica Barnes; signing off!

1 comment:

rapsc said...

Hope you use this again to talk more about those minature music videos and other things that are important -- like those random deep philosophical discussions.